
Algol Technics has set its short-term responsibility targets for 2022-2024. The targets are based on the materiality assessment performed at the end of 2020 and the Algol Group’s responsibility targets. The targets also support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals related to occupational safety, supply chain responsibility and the environment.

Responsibility themes are defined for 2022-2024. Within the framework of these themes, more detailed annual targets and indicators will be defined. The five themes are: 

  • A safe working environment
  • A responsible supply chain
  • A healthy and equal work community
  • Minimised environmental impacts from our operations
  • Transparent administration and fair leadership.

Code of Business Conduct

Algol Technics has implemented a Code of Business Conduct, that define our ethical code of conduct for the activities of all our employees.

Quality policy

Our Code of Business Conduct is based on principles of compliance, reliability, accountability and sound business practices. Quality issues are given high priority at all levels of management and they are regarded as an integral part of the everyday work of each employee. Read more about our quality policy.

Health, safety and environment policy

We comply with all laws and regulations relating to protection of the environment. We strive to minimise the environmental impact of our operations and to use natural resources efficiently. We are committed to continuously improving our internal procedures, policies and guidelines. We adhere, where applicable, to relevant environmental programmes, commitments and regulations. Read more about our health, safety and environment policy.

Occupational safety

Safe working methods are systematic and based on proven good practices. In occupational safety and health activities, We comply with all laws and regulations relating to health and safety and make sure that every employee receives appropriate orientation. 

A list of certificates and policies in more detail can be found on Algol Group website.


Quality certificate ISO 9001:2015
Environment certificate ISO 14001:2015
Occupational health and safety certificate ISO 45001:2018