Muirhead leather range

The standard stock range comprises of six different types of leather.

Caledonian 20:20 - 1.0 mm luxury leather with a matt finish and a haircell grain suitable for all domestic and contract upholstery applications.

Cairngorm - 1.2 mm high quality leather with a tight pebble grain and matt finish suitable for all upholstery applications.

Grampian - 1.2 mm leather with luxurious pebbled grain which is suitable for use in any high traffic environment.

Lustrana - 1.0 mm leather with a bright two-tone finish and haircell grain, suitable for most contract and domestic applications, and popular for traditional style upholstery.

Metallic - 1.1 mm leather with a metallic finish and an Orkney grain suitable for all upholstery applications.

Sateen - 1.0 mm premium leather with a matt finish and a haircell grain. Fully fire retardant and is certified to conform with airworthiness and public seating specifications. 

Minimum order quantity: 1 hide (one hide is approximately 4,8 m2).


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